Initiatives are needed to strengthen international co-operation in order to mobilize investments in energy and environmental management for sustainable development. Being a technological University with diversity of technical and science disciplines, the Palestine Polytechnic University (PPU) is initiating and organizing the 4th international conference on Energy and Environmental Protection in Sustainable development that is going to address several relevant issues by local, regional and international experts and scientists.
The 4th international conference, which is going to be organized in cooperation with national and international institutions, would represent an opportunity for experts and scientists in addition to national decision makers to interact aiming at enhancing the United Nations initiative “Water and Sanitation, Energy, Health, Agricultural and Biodiversity (WEHAB)”. Furthermore it comes as a response to Kyoto Protocol concerning climate change.
Palestine Polytechnic University has previously organized several initiatives tackling both environmental and energy. It has organized several conferences in the field, the first one was in 2000 in cooperation with Environmental Quality Authority, Heinrich Boel Foundation ( HBF) and the United nation Development program (UNDP). In 2007, the university organized first specialized conference ICEEP I that tackled the energy and environmental issues and their role in sustainable development, followed by the second conference ICEEP II in 2009 and the third conference ICEEP III in October 2013, the fourth ICEEP IV conference will be held in April 2016.
The university has also implemented two programs in the field of social mobilization program in the field of environment, culture and education. Both programs were funded by the UNDP and implemented by the renewable Energy and Environmental Research Unit (REERU) of the university. Meanwhile, there is another research unit focusing on research issues related to electrical energy and energy conversion called” Power Electronics & Signal processing Research Unit ( PESPRU) at the same time. In addition , the university has participated in the multilateral cooperative program: “ Enhancing Environmental Sustainability through Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Technology” with the American University Beirut, the Jordan University of Science & Technology, the University of Central Florida, the Northeast Energy Education Institute of the University of Oregon and the Damascus University. The project was funded by the US-Citizen Exchange program of the US-Department of Energy.
Furthermore, in 2009 and 2010 the university got accreditation from the Ministry of Higher Education of Palestine for the two bachelor-degree academic programs: “Electrical Power Engineering”, and “ Environmental Engineering Technology ” respectively.
In addition to that , at the beginning of the academic year 2015/2016, the college of engineering will get accreditation from the Ministry of Higher Education for two postgraduate master degree programs in the "Renewable Energy" and " Electrical Power" .
Conference History :
- ICEEP III 2013
- ICEEP II 2009
- ICEEP I 2007